Group 32
Waste Management Strategies
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
Management Strategies
aste management or waste disposal are
all the activities and actions
required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal. This
includes amongst other things collection, transport, treatment and disposal
of waste together with monitoring and regulation. It also encompasses the
legal and regulatory framework that relates to waste management encompassing
guidance on recycling.
can take any form that is either solid, liquid, or gas and each have different
methods of disposal and management. Waste management normally deals with all
types of waste whether it was created in forms that are industrial, biological,
household, and special cases where it may pose a threat to human
health. It is produced due to human activity such as when factories
extract and process raw materials. Waste management is intended to reduce
adverse effects of waste on health, the environment or aesthetics. The countries should have committed to
sustaining a healthy environment and a vibrant economy. Consistent with this
commitment, there has been a fundamental shift in the way we view solid waste.
It is now recognized that solid waste is a resource that can result in the
creation of jobs through cost effective and environmentally responsible
For an example, achieve this goal, the
Department of the Environment, after extensive consultation with municipal
governments and the people of Nova Scotia, has developed a forward-looking
"Solid Waste-Resource Management Strategy." The Strategy will ensure
that the people of this province receive the maximum environmental and economic
benefits while minimizing the potential increases in the cost of managing solid
Some of waste management
strategies are;
Lead by example with
sustainable policies and practices
Seek integrated
waste management solutions including diversion
cooperation and collaboration, including encouraging partnerships
Service to our Community
Engage the community
to ensure the SWMS meets their needs and objectives
Recognize waste is a
resource and find solutions that support reduction, reuse, recycling and energy
recovery before disposal
Continuous Improvement
Invest in
infrastructure with the flexibility to accommodate growth, changing policies
and encourage innovation
The Solid Waste Resource
Management Strategy include these benefits:
§ Bans on the disposal of
beverage containers, corrugated cardboard, newsprint, scrap tires, used oil,
lead-acid batteries, waste paint, automotive antifreeze, glass food containers,
steel/tin cans, selected plastics and compostable organic materials.
§ Expansion of the current
deposit/refund system on beer and liquor bottles to include all beverage
containers with the exception of milk. Milk containers will be recycled through
province-wide collection programs.
§ The number of active
landfills will be reduced by approximately 75 percent. Currently, there are 40
active landfills in the Province. All landfills will have to meet the
Department of the Environment's new stricter guidelines to prevent leachate and
other problems associated with the current variety.
§ In order to ensure that
cost increases are minimized, municipal units will be encouraged to cooperate
on a regional scale. It is recommended seven solid waste resource management
regions be established.
§ The Department of the
Environment estimates the Strategy will cost each Nova Scotian an additional 50
cents a week.
§ Solid waste resources
will be used to create new employment in Nova Scotia through the production of
value-added goods. The Department of the Environment and the Resource Recovery
Fund are working on plans to use scrap tires as the feedstock for a
reprocessing plant. Other innovative plans include composting and Nova
Scotia-based reprocessing of plastics, corrugated cardboard, disposable diapers
and aseptic containers, such as juice packs. The Strategy will create
approximately 600 jobs in recycling, collection and environmental industries.
These jobs will be primarily in the private sector.
§ The Resource Recovery
Fund will be a private sector, industry driven, non-profit organization. It
will be charged with the marketing of recyclable materials in order to ensure
Nova Scotia's environmental industries have a critical mass of feedstock from
domestic sources. These materials will be used to establish industries based on
the processing of recyclables.
§ The Strategy will
involve diversion of 60 to 70 percent of household hazardous waste from
disposal facilities.
§ The innovative
environmental technologies developed for use in Nova Scotia will be marketed to
other jurisdictions that are facing the same challenges.
Group members
Fonseka S.A.N.S 162447K
Gunasekara I.V.W 162446T
Maathangi S. 162697L
Pushpakumari M.N.A 162719J
Silva M.W.L.R.K 162438V
Waste Management Strategies
Management Strategies
Waste management is collection,
transportation and disposal of garbage, sewage, and other waste products. Waste
management encompasses management of all processes and resources for proper
handling of waste materials, from maintenance of waste transport trucks and
dumping facilities to compliance with health codes and environmental
of waste management
- Segregation at source-ward or unit level
- Color coding to support source segregation
- Identify destination of each type of waste
- Transport safely to pick up site
- Ensure safe disposal
- Keep track of usage
What are wastes?
Waste is a wide ranging
term encompassing most unwanted materials, defined by the Environmental Protection
Act 1990. Waste includes any scrap material, effluent or unwanted surplus
substance or article that requires disposal because it is broken, worn out, contaminated
or otherwise spoiled.
How to
reducing waste costs
1: Accounting for Waste
2: Comparing your performance with others
3: Identifying waste minimization opportunities
4: Commitment to action
5: Taking action to reduce waste
6: Recognizing success and maintaining momentum
- Understand the legal implications of the waste produced in your organization by identifying the specific legislation that affects you.
- Look at your general environmental issues – what role does waste play in these?
- Quantify and identify your waste. Where does it arise and how much does it cost? Undertake a walk around audit and look at your bills. Using the waste hierarchy, identify what currently happens to the waste as it arises.
- Identify a waste management champion or team to drive things forward.
- Produce an action plan for reducing your wastes
- Get commitment from senior management for the action plan.
- Identify the possible disposal options where you cannot reduce or recycle.
- Select your waste carriers carefully and make sure your Duty of Care responsibilities are met.
- Monitor and review your achievements.
- Communicate your successes to your staff, senior managers and outside your organization to interested stakeholders.
The waste hierarchy remains the
cornerstone of most waste minimization strategies. The aim of the waste
hierarchy is to extract the maximum practical benefits from products and to
generate the minimum amount of waste. The waste hierarchy is represented as a
pyramid because the basic premise is for policy to take action first and prevent
the generation of waste.
Benefits of waste management
- Economical benefits
- Social benefits
- Environmental benefits
- Inter-generational Equity
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Waste Management Strategies - Group 15
Waste management strategies
Raw materials are becoming scarcer and energy more expensive, and all around the world, soil, air and water pollution pose a risk to sustainable development. Waste management is closely associated with both these problems: waste disposal issues are exacerbated by changing patterns of consumption, industrial development and urbanisation; this in turn means that traditional systems for solid waste disposal and recycling are no longer appropriate. This problem affects informal settlements in particular.
waste is increasingly being used to produce both materials and energy, and recycling now saves more greenhouses gases than it generates. However, many developing and emerging countries are faced with the major challenge of improving their inadequate and unsustainable waste management systems. Waste must no longer be deposited in residential areas and uncontrolled landfills or end up on illegal rubbish tips and in waterways. It accumulates in the world’s oceans as marine litter, and is blown across continents and pulverized by the action of the wind, sun and waves.
Development cooperation projects are not doing enough to take account of and analyse technical, organisational and financial strategies for sustainable waste and resource management and previous experience with the issue; these factors should feature more prominently in the sectoral discussion at national and international level. Waste management is connected with many other areas, including urban development, water, energy and food security. Technical, organisational and financial strategies for sustainable waste and resource management are incorporated into the sectoral discussion at national and international level and in development cooperation projects.
Strategy development activities focus on the following topics:
- Waste-to-energy technologies
- Technologies
- Avoidance of marine litter
- Electronic waste
- Economicinstruments
In addition, identifies ways in which waste management can contribute to urban development and climate change mitigation. It also incorporates experience in waste management into activities.
Jayawardana P.B. 162418K
Nuwangi P.D. 162429U
Sivapathasundaram A. 162672G
Mendis W.J.S. 162428P
Sivapathasundaram A. 162672G
Mendis W.J.S. 162428P
Weerakoon H.D. 162702C
Group 21 Waste management strategies
Group Members
#Ashan H.K.K. 162449F
#Jayathilake W.A.D.L.
#Muthupatinge M.S.A.P.
#Prasanga A.M.L. 162712G
#Thilakarathne A.H. 162678F
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Energy Efficient solution in Modern Building - Group 17
Group 17
Group Members :
Hasintha M. R. K. 162693V
Lawanga P. W. A. H. 162691M
Rekanya S. 162433C
Rifky A. R. F. 162434F
Senarathna D. S. N. 162442D
Monday, December 25, 2017
Waste Management Strategies - Group 16
Group members
Karunarathna T.A.D.C.D 162421M
Perera J.K.D.S. 162430N
Perera P.A.L.P 162431T
Senarath P.A.N.B 162692R
Sivasangeetha V 162673K
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Energy efficient solutions in modern buildings- Grroup 24
Bandara L A R I 162709E
Palihakkara A D 162659A
Perera H A H P 162662C
Rajapaksha M R N 162432X
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Efficient Solutions in Modern Buildings
The concept of “energy efficient” buildings
has immediate implications on regulations, economics, energy demand, and the
environment. A definition is also needed
to compare building energy performance or to assess absolute energy
efficiency. We propose three criteria
for an energy efficient building,
- The building must be equipped with efficient equipment and materials appropriate for the location and conditions
- The building must provide amenities and services appropriate to the building’s intended use
- The building must be operated in such a manner as to have a low energy use compared to other, similar buildings.
An efficient building must, at a minimum, be
above average in all three aspects. When
setting minimum efficiency standards, a definition of energy efficiency based
on minimum life cycle costs is likely to result in much stricter standards and
greater energy savings than a strategy based on eliminating the least efficient
The energy efficiency of buildings is
significantly influenced by architectural design aspects, such as orientation,
shape of the building structure, where the openings of windows are located, etc.
Therefore design team focus is also on energy related design aspects.
Especially in tendering procedures for architectural competitions public
clients have to take strong notice on these energy related design aspects.
In general there are following strategies
for the design of energy efficient buildings:
- Minimization of losses
- Minimization of electricity demand for artificial lighting
- Maximization of solar gains – Heating case
- Minimization of solar gains – Cooling case
Minimization of losses – Compactness
Depending on the building type (housing, office, schools, etc.)
transmission losses can have the highest ratio of all losses. Therefore the
first design relevant measure should be the reduction of heating losses by
minimization of the shape/volume ratio. Especially for an economical
realization of passive houses or zero- and plus energy- houses compactness is
of highest importance, as worse compactness means higher construction costs
(improvement of u-values => more insulation materials => higher costs).
Minimization of electricity demand for artificial lighting
Besides heating and cooling
the energy demand for artificial lighting is of importance for the energetic
performance of buildings. Buildings with huge overall width, like office
buildings, tend to have substantial energy demand for artificial lighting. The
development of innovative daylight concepts is the most important strategy to
decrease the energy demand for lighting. Daylight concepts always have to be
considered in combination with aspects for heating and cooling.
Maximization of solar gains – Heating case
In the heating period a
maximization of passive solar gains should be the main target to reduce the
heating energy demand. Optimized interaction of orientation, size of windows
and disposable thermal mass are the key elements. Special design of windows and
a special sunblind with reflector (reflecting sunlight to the ceilings) enables
a maximization of solar energy. Massive floors, walls and special designed
ceilings (ribbed concrete slabs with large surface area) be used for the storage of solar energy.
Transparent building elements (windows)
Orientation and size of transparent building elements (windows) have
important influence on the cooling demand. Intelligent shading elements with
different orientation (e.g. south windows with horizontal elements, west and
east windows with vertical elements) are further measures for the reduction of
solar gains.
Natural cooling with passive night ventilation
In office buildings up to 2/3 of the total cooling load (around 200
– 250 Wh/m2/day) can be managed by passive cooling without mechanical energy.
Night temperature in summer around 15°, adequate thermal building mass and the
possibility of natural stack ventilation (e.g. in atriums, see figure below)
are requirements for this kind of cooling.
Natural ventilation by wind
For high rise buildings natural ventilation concepts by wind are
innovative alternatives to conventional mechanical ventilation systems. The new
office building of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt will be the first
office building using only natural ventilation. The design of the building is
based on wind and ascending forces around and in the building.
Active use of solar energy
Compared to other
HVAC-systems active use of solar energy on one hand has strong input on the
design of the building and on the other hand the use of solar energy also has
strong influence on the environmental performance of the building. The
intensive use of solar energy requires a comprehensive integration of solar
panels in the architectural design concept and influences the design of
buildings strongly. Solar panels can be mounted on walls and roofs, whereas in
urban context roofs offer better conditions (less shading by other buildings,
free choice of declination enabling higher degrees of efficiency).
Group members
(Group 01)
v Abeywickrama M.G.W.U -152401 T
v Alahakoon A.M.M.S.B – 162602 U
v Haafeel M.H.A. -162625 R
v Liyanaarachchi R.N.H -162645 D
v Senanayake S.M.A.H – 162668 B
Group 10-Energy Efficient Solutions in Modern Buildings
Energy has emerged as a critical economic issue, with its high consumption there are many consequences such as depletion of energy sources, green house emission etc. Buildings are on the front line of this issue due to their high consumption of energy. Efficient buildings and appropriate land use offer opportunities to save money as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency solutions is very important aspect to be considered in a building. Energy efficiency measures for buildings are taken to minimize the energy consumption of a building while maintaining or improving the level of comfort in the building. With the advancement of technology there are plenty of solutions for energy efficiency in a building.
Solar Energy Systems
Geothermal energy systems
Geothermal energy comes from the naturally existing heat inside the Earth. It is used in air conditioning, heating or transformation into electricity. Geothermal systems are energy-efficient, cost effective and environmentally friendly. Geothermal systems can be installed on new houses or renovation projects. This technology is divide into two categories as deep geothermal or near-surface geothermal energy. This technology can considerably reduce the use of fossil fuels or electricity, which emit more greenhouse gases and which are generally less financially interesting in the long term. Geothermal systems present some major advantages. Effectively, underground heat is present everywhere on Earth. Geothermal energy comes from an almost continuous source that is not dependent on atmospheric conditions.
Efficient lighting solutions
Installing more efficient and affordable lighting solutions is a good way to save on energy. With new and improved led technologies the solutions are broader than ever. Whether it’s re-lamping (replacing existing lamps/bulbs with more efficient product); retrofitting (replacing existing fixtures, lamps/bulbs and ballast with new equipment) by using more efficient replacement product for existing fixtures, sizable savings through efficient lighting solutions can be achieved.

Skylights are traditionally placed in or near a structure’s roof. It is a great option for buildings prioritizing natural light. Buildings with skylights require less artificial lighting, so Skylights contribute to considerable energy savings. Depending on skylight type and placement, other features include such as ventilation, day lighting without heat gain, night-time heat retention and emergency exit accessibility.

Energy Star Windows
Energy efficient windows are new player in window market which are more energy efficient than normal windows. The ratings for these windows determine how energy efficient they will be. The lower the rating, the more energy efficient are your windows. The energy savings provided by these windows are enough to cover the added cost per window.
Rainwater Harvesting Systems and Tank less Water Heaters
The collected water in the Rainwater Harvesting Systems can then be used for purposes such as toilets and sprinkler systems. System must collect rainwater from roofs and storing it in a tank. Rain barrels are one of the most common methods of rainwater harvesting being used today.
Tank less water heaters heat only that much water that is needed as it is passed through electric coil. So it is need not wait for the water to get heated. This gives benefits rather than using a normal water heaters. Firstly, it eliminates excess energy costs as it heats up only that much amount of water that is needed and secondly, sufficient storage place can be obtained by eliminating the hot water tank.
HVAC System
A high efficient Energy Star rated HVAC system will help to save energy and money. In order to perform up a HVAC system to its full potential, it needs to be properly installed.

Friday, December 22, 2017
Energy efficient solutions in modern buildings
Energy efficient solutions in modern buildings
Energy efficient buildings are the buildings that have the highest
energy saving potentials. These buildings are basically built by using
architectural design aspects. Saving energy is the one of most actual topic in
today. Shape of the structure, orientation of the building and the number
windows and the places they need to be located are decided to obtain the
maximum usage from these kinds of buildings. Most important aspects with strong
influence on the building design are outdoor temperature, solar radiation,
humidity and wind. These aspects can be use to get the maximum utilization from
the building.
In general following methods can be taken as the strategies of designing
energy efficient building.
Minimization of electricity demand for artificial lighting

Natural ventilation by wind
For modern buildings natural ventilation is a
best way of innovative alternatives to conventional mechanical ventilation

Cooling case from windows

The most effective way to cool the building is to use the doors and
windows with right size and right orientation. The primary source of heat
buildup is sunlight absorbed by building through roof, walls and windows.
Therefore, by varying them, cooling demand can be changed.
Cool roofs
Cool roofs are the roofs which made by highly reflective materials
to reflect more light and absorb less heat from sunlight, which keep homes
cooler during hot climate.
Building envelop
Group 32
Saving energy is one of
the most important topic for today. In the present days, all over the world is
paying huge attention to the problem of resource conservation about heating
buildings and its efficient use. Modern buildings has huge reserves to increase
their thermal efficiency.
In the past, energy
efficient buildings did not take a considerable significant. But today modern
buildings pay unique attention for energy efficient solutions.
Efficient energy use, which is called energy
efficiency, is the goal to decrease the amount of energy required to supply
products and services. As example, insulting a home allows a building to unusable
heating and cooling energy to achieve and maintain comfortable temperature.
Install of LED lights, fluorescent lights or natural skylights decreases the
amount of required energy to reach the same level of lighting compared with the
using traditional incandescent light bulbs. Not only have that but great efficiency
windows and insulation in walls, ceilings, and floors increased the efficiency
of building envelope also. Alternative strategy, passive solar building design,
is often applied in low-energy homes.
There are number of motivations to increase
energy efficiency. Reducing energy use reduces energy costs and may result in an
economic cost saving to users if the energy savings offset any additional costs
of implementing an energy efficient technology.
Usually, there are
following strategies for the design of energy efficient buildings,
- · Minimization of losses
- · Maximization of solar gains –Heating case
- · Minimization of solar gains-Cooling case
- · Minimization of electricity demand for artificial lighting
1. Minimization of losses-Compactness
Heat losses are taken an
important role for the energy performance of buildings. Reliant to the building
type (housing, office, schools, commercials etc.) transmission losses can have
the highest percentage of all losses. Therefore the main design related measure
should be the decrease of heating losses by minimization of the shape/volume
ratio. Specially for an cost-effective realization of passive houses or zero
and plus energy houses compactness is of maximum importance, as worse
compactness means higher construction costs.
2. Maximization of solar
gains- Heating case
During the heating
period a maximization of passive solar gains should be the main target to
reduce the heating energy demand. Optimized interaction of location, sizes of
windows and one-use thermal mass are the key elements. Superior design of
windows and a special sunblind with reflector (reflecting sunlight to the
ceilings) supports a maximization of solar energy gains for the rooms. Massive
floors, walls and special designed ceilings (beamed concrete slabs with large
surface area) are used for the storage solar energy.
3. Minimization of solar
gains- Cooling case
building elements (windows)
Orientation and dimension
of transparent building elements (windows) have important effect on the cooling
demand. Intellectual shading elements with different orientation are additional
measures for the reduction of solar gains.
cooling with passive night ventilation
The office buildings up
to 2/3 of the total cooling load can be managed by passive cooling, not using with
mechanical energy. Night temperature in summer around 15celcios suitable
thermal building mass and the possibility of natural stack ventilation are
requirements for this cooling kinds.
⏩Natural ventilation by wind
Innovational mechanical
ventilation systems are used for high rise buildings natural ventilation
concepts of wind. The new office of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt is the
first office building using only natural ventilation. The building design is
based on wind and ascending forces around and in the building.
4. Minimization of
electricity demand for artificial lighting
In addition to heating
and cooling the energy demand for artificial lighting is of significance for
the energetic performance of buildings. Huge overall width buildings like
office buildings, tend to have substantial energy demand for artificial
lighting. Innovative daylight concepts development is the most important
strategy to decrease the energy demand for lighting. Daylight concepts always
pay attention for the combination with aspects for heating and cooling.
5. Active solar energy
use of solar energy (thermal and photovoltaic solar collectors) on one hand has
strong input on the design of the building and on the other hand the use of
solar energy also has strong effect on the environmental performance of the
building, compared to other HVAC systems. Requires. A comprehensive integration
of solar panels in the architectural design concept and influences the design
of building strongly are required by the intensive use of solar energy. Solar
panels can be attached on walls and roofs, although in urban context roofs with
better conditions.
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