Thursday, December 28, 2017

Waste Management Strategies - Group 15

Waste management strategies

Raw materials are becoming scarcer and energy more expensive, and all around the world, soil, air and water pollution pose a risk to sustainable development. Waste management is closely associated with both these problems: waste disposal issues are exacerbated by changing patterns of consumption, industrial development and urbanisation; this in turn means that traditional systems for solid waste disposal and recycling are no longer appropriate. This problem affects informal settlements in particular.

waste is increasingly being used to produce both materials and energy, and recycling now saves more greenhouses gases than it generates. However, many developing and emerging countries are faced with the major challenge of improving their inadequate and unsustainable waste management systems. Waste must no longer be deposited in residential areas and uncontrolled landfills or end up on illegal rubbish tips and in waterways. It accumulates in the world’s oceans as marine litter, and is blown across continents and pulverized by the action of the wind, sun and waves.

Development cooperation projects are not doing enough to take account of and analyse technical, organisational and financial strategies for sustainable waste and resource management and previous experience with the issue; these factors should feature more prominently in the sectoral discussion at national and international level. Waste management is connected with many other areas, including urban development, water, energy and food security. Technical, organisational and financial strategies for sustainable waste and resource management are incorporated into the sectoral discussion at national and international level and in development cooperation projects.

Strategy development activities focus on the following topics:
  • Waste-to-energy technologies
  • Technologies
  • Avoidance of marine litter
  • Electronic waste
  • Economicinstruments 

In addition, identifies ways in which waste management can contribute to urban development and climate change mitigation. It also incorporates experience in waste management into activities.

Jayawardana P.B.                  162418K
Nuwangi P.D.                          162429U
Sivapathasundaram A.          162672G
Mendis W.J.S.                         162428P
Weerakoon H.D.                     162702C

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