Individual Views Of The Group Members
Sustainable Development is the development which achieve the present goals and objectives with
saving the resources to future generation to save the ability of future generations to achieve their
own goals. There are four main characteristics of sustainable development there are Eco-friendly,
recyclable, and biodegradable and low embodied energy.
( Gunarathna D.M.P.K. – 162408F )
Scarcity of natural resources is the main reason for the use of sustainable materials. Sustainable
development means development with consisting social, economic, environmental friendly
outcomes. When choosing the materials for any products before choosing, it should think about
the environmental friendly or not. Is that can recycle or not, outcomes of the products not harm to
the environment.
This sustainable development concept help to save the time and money of the society. It reduce
the wastage of natural resources. By engage in sustainable development can reduce the scarcity of
natural resources. With this concept automatically environment is safe, then economic growth
occur .Society it effect good manner .Therefore development can be seen.
( Madushika U.G.D.- 162650 M )
Sustainable development is a economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural
resources .Continuous evolution of human with fulfilling their needs by using natural resources is
mainly focused in sustainable development theory .Identifying non depletion energy sources and
using it for fulfill the basic needs and identifying the methods to muse reusable materials in proper
way to develop the human nation with associating environment sustainability.
( Suraweera S.A.P.N. – 162675 T )
Sustainable development is the development that using the renewable natural resources and
nonrenewable sources. Sustainable development concept has shifted to focus more on economic
development, social development and environmental protection for future generations. It is help to
save the valuable time and money of the society, with the sustainability can develop the society
and environment without the wasting natural resources.
(Bandara R.M.T.K- 162607N)
Sustainable development is the balance relationship between the economies, social, environmental
sections. With the sustainability can reduce the damages cause to the environmental and society can
reduce the problems create due to scarcity of resources. With the sustainable concept, can reuse
and recycle the resources. Therefor time and money saving.
(Ilangasinha I.M.C.D.B-162630D)
Group Interpretation
Sustainable development means fulfill the present needs of the society by saving the resources to
the future generation without wasting. By using this concept social, economic and environmtal
balancing can maintain. Can achieve the long term goals without time and money wasting.
Critical Review
Simply sustainable development means economic development that is conducted without
depletion of natural resources.
According to the different authors, there are several views about the sustainable development. It
is balance relationship between economic, social, environmental, agriculture like other areas. Major
objective of the sustainable development is satisfaction of human needs and aspiration.
According to this concept when using the resources for present needs, do not waste the resources.
Those resources should save the for the future generation usage. By using that can reduce the
problems occurred due to the scarcity of resources. In another way, sustainable development is the
friendly outcome to the environment without any environmental pollution or any harm to the
Optimize the unlimited needs of the people by using the limited resources available in the
environment by saving to the future generation is the main idea of the sustainable development.
Sustainable development can maintain with the recycling, reusing the materials and outcomes
regularly. Mostly renewable resources are used for sustainable development activities.
Nonrenewable resources usage is less due to the unable to recycle and reuse.
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