Thursday, November 23, 2017

Strategies for sustainable use of resources
In the construction industry there is a huge demand for building materials in order to construct a proper building. But the high usage of building materials will cause to make an environment with lack of resources. The intention of choosing building materials will be occurred at the design stage.
The conventional building materials can be identified as problematic building materials as most of them have not fulfilled the strategies for sustainable use of resources.
There are mainly three kind of strategies for sustainable use of resources.
                                                              i.      3R Concept
                                                            ii.      Usage of local materials/ Regional materials
                                                          iii.      Using rapidly renewable resources
If consider about the conventional building materials in the construction industry there are few materials that uses most commonly such as,
·         Cement
·         Sand
·         Steel
·         Timber
·         Glass

Building materials
3R Concept
Local materials/ Regional materials
Rapidly renewable resources
The applicability of 3R Concept to cement is in a complex way. Reduction, reuse and recycle is not related with the cement.
Cement can be used as a regional material in order to achieve the sustainability purpose. If the cement manufacturing site is closer to the construction site it will reduce the usage of resources like fuel through transportation. Cement store/ manufacturing factory should closer to the site as a local material or the site should be chosen in an area which has the availability in an easiest way.
The materials of manufacturing cement are limestone, sand, water and clinker. These materials are not rapidly renewable and it is impossible in occurring rapidly in the environment.
If consider about the sand it gets more than million years to get produce in the nature. Today’s world water also in a dangerous situation as it degrades in consumption. Limestone also gets more than million years to get produce in the environment. So, the materials of cement are not rapidly renewable resources.
Straw Bales
Rammed earth

The ability of reduce the sand consumption is a risk as it causes for strengthen of the construction. Reuse of sand is impossible due to formation changes in the process. Recycle of sand also another impossible way in the world construction industry.
If the sand reservation is closer to the construction site it is really helpful to reduce the consumption of resources such as fuel through the transportation. Choosing the land for construction in an area which has the major availability of sand is also another benefit as a local material.
Sand is getting more than millions of years to produce on the earth. So, the efficiency usage of sand is very important when consider about the sustainable use of resources.
Sand is not a rapidly renewable resource in the world environment.

The reduction of steel consumption as much as possible in the construction industry is a good solution for sustainable use of resources. It is important that steel is reusable and recyclable material that is supporting for preservation of resources. So, steel is more familiar with the 3R Concept than other building materials.
Choosing the construction site which is closer to the steel manufacturing factory is an additional advantage if it is a local material.
So, the steel manufacturing areas have a high demand for construction projects to fulfill the intention of a local/ regional material.
The materials of manufacturing steel are pig iron, carbon and iron ore. Those materials are not rapidly renewable resources.

The ability of reducing the consumption of timber is an environmental friendly concept through 3R Concept. The reuse of timber also a good benefit in sustainable use of resources. There is an impossibility of recycling the timber.
If the construction site is closer to timber providing site or timber mill it can used as a local material. There are some unique municipal areas which is more famous for timber. If the construction site is in such areas it will reduce the consumption of other resources.
If so timber can be identified as a local material in such cases.
For construction purposes it needs more strengthen timber types such as Teak. It takes lot of years to grow on the land. So timber is not a rapidly renewable resource in the environment.
Glass is the most suitable building material with the 3R concept. Because it has the ability of reuse, reduce and recycle. So, glass is a good material which supports for sustainable use of resources in the environment.
If the construction site is closer to a glass manufacturing factory it can be identified as a local area.
The materials of glass are sand, limestone, dolomite, clay and fluorspar. Those resources are not rapidly renewable resources due to its occurring time period.

 Group members
Fonseka S.A.N.S.                 162447K
Gunasekara I.V.W.               162446T
Maathanki S.                         162697L
Pushpakumari M.N.A.          162719J
Silva M.W.L.R.K.                 162438V

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