- 3R Concept
1. Reduce
2. Recycle
3. Reuse
- Materials which are selected
1. Timber
2. Glass
3. Steel
4. Water
5. Bricks
Timber is a renewable material. It is a good strategy. Even though it is rapidly renewable material it's depending on the type of wood. Because some trees grow rapidly within a short period of time while others are taking more time. It can be used as alternative material for steel. We can do forestation in order to increase availability of timber. As well as applying preservatives to increase durability is the another strategy.Also it can be recycled by re-milling.
Glass is following the 3R concept. It can be recycled, reusable and reduce the wastage.Glass can be recycled and can make another ornaments and other things. It reduce the disposal cost and the environmental pollution due to disposal. Glass are durable. And also can use for replacement of the building. It can be get under economical sustainability. Glass can be used for doors, windows, roof.
3R concept can be used for steel. It can be recycle and change the shape in order to give the requirements of several clients. It reduce the amount of the wastage. By applying coatings and galvanizing durability of steel can be increased.
Efficient usage reduce the water wastage.Waste water treatment reduces the water extraction. Reusing treated waste water for gardening, flushing purposes is another sustainable strategy. Drainage water can be recycled and can be used as pure water.
Bricks are local regional materials. it can be get under 3R concept. When end of the life time of a building, bricks of that building can be reused for another purpose because it is very durable. They are easily available and easy to find and transport because it is a local material. As well as it reduces the transportation cost. Bricks are made by clay. Clay is widely available material in Sri Lanka. Broken bricks and used bricks can be used for fillings and other construction purposes.
Members of the Group
1. Nikeshala K.M.A. 162656L
2. Padmasiri N.A.K.A.S. 162658U
3. Dilan W.A. 162615L
4. Kaldera H.P.A.S. 162637F
5. Welikalage D.M. 162682L
6. Dilakshan S. 162726D
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