Friday, December 22, 2017

Forestation programs. Grp 23

Forestation programs
Forestation is the natural or intentional restocking of existing  forests  and  woodlands  ( forestation ) that have been depleted, usually through  deforestation . Reforestation can be used to rectify or improve the quality of human life by soaking up  pollution  and dust from the air, rebuild natural  habitats  and  ecosystems , mitigate  global warming  since forests facilitate  bio sequestration  of atmospheric  carbon dioxide , and  harvest  for resources, particularly  timber , but also  non-timber forest products .
A similar concept,  afforestation , another type of forestation, refers to the process of restoring and recreating areas of  woodlands  or  forests  that may have existed long ago but were  deforested  or otherwise removed at some point in the past or lacked it naturally (e.g., natural  grasslands ). Sometimes the term "re-afforestation" is used to distinguish between the  original forest cover  and the later re-growth of forest to an area. Special tools, e.g.  tree planting bars , are used to make planting of trees easier and faster.

A debated issue in managed reforestation is whether or not the succeeding forest will have the same  biodiversity  as the original forest. If the forest is replaced with only one species of tree and all other vegetation is prevented from growing back, a  monoculture  forest similar to agricultural crops would be the result. However, most reforestations involve the planting of different  seed lots  of seedlings taken from the area, often of multiple species.

For harvesting
Reforestation need not be only used for recovery of accidentally destroyed forests. In some countries, such as  Finland , many of the forests are managed by the wood products and  pulp and paper industry . In such an arrangement, like other crops, trees are planted to replace those that have been cut. In such circumstances, the industry can cut the trees in a way to allow easier reforestation. The wood products industry systematically replaces many of the trees it cuts, employing large numbers of summer workers for  tree planting  work. For example, in 2010,  Weyerhaeuser  reported planting 50 million seedlings. However replanting an  old-growth forest  with a  plantation  is same characteristics in the new.

For climate change mitigation
Forests are an important part of the  global carbon cycle  because trees and plants absorb  carbon dioxide  through  photosynthesis . By removing this  greenhouse gas  from the air, forests function as terrestrial  carbon sinks , meaning they store large amounts of carbon. At any time, forests account for as much as double the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Even as more anthropogenic carbon is produced, forests remove around three billion tons of anthropogenic carbon every year. This amounts to about 30% of all carbon dioxide emissions from  fossil fuels . Therefore, an increase in the overall forest cover around the world would tend to mitigate  global warming .
· Sub Saharan Africa - Plans to plant a nine-mile width of trees on the Southern Border of the Sahara Desert
· Canada - in Canada, overall forest cover is increasing over the last decades
· China - in China, extensive replanting programs have existed since the 1970s. Programs have had overall success
· India -  Jadav Payeng  had received national awards for reforestation efforts, known as the " Molai forest
· Japan - Mass environmental and human-body pollution along with relating deforestation, water pollution, smoke damage, and loss of soils caused by  mining operations in Ashio , Tochigi became the first environmental social issue in Japan, efforts by  Shōzō Tanaka  had grown to large campaigns against copper operation.

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