Friday, January 26, 2018

Forestation Programs.

Forestation means establishment of a forest naturally or artificially on an area which was previously for forests or not so as to cover the area with tree or forest.
Forests cover a third of all land on earth, providing vital organic infrastructure for some of the plane’s densest, most diverse collections of life. But in the huge impact of the world is deforestation. Deforestation can be define as, the unscrupulous and indigenous forest and wood lands. There are many reasons of that, such as
  • ·         Deforestation also occurs due to overgrazing and conversion of forest to pasture for domestic animals
  • ·         Peoples involves cutting trees for sale as timber or pulp.
  • ·         It employs heavy machinery to remove cut trees and build roads.
  • ·         Mining, industrial development and hydroelectric power plant projects are also causes of deforestation.
  • ·         Dams open the previously inaccessible forest and damage ecosystems.
  • ·         Other reasons includes fire, pest, etc.

Effects of deforestation are,

  • ·         Deprivation of shelter for birds, insects and food for animals and human beings.
  • ·         Deceased oxygen and increased carbon dioxide.
  • ·         Scarcity of fuel wood.
  • ·         Increase draughts.                                                 
  • ·         Melting of ice caps causing floods.
  • ·         Increased soil erosion.
  • ·         Increased pollution.

Forestation Programs.

  • ·         Use of pesticides to reduce damage to forest.
  • ·         Control the forest fire created by human activity due to carelessness.
  • ·         Use of modern technology.
  • ·         Reduce demand though technological interventions.
  • ·         Strengthening the central and state forestry administration and institutions.
  • ·         Expansion of forest area can be achieved by implanting trees in forest with people’s participation.
  • ·         Celebrate environment day to create awareness among people about how forestation can help in improving environment.

Importance of forestation program.
            The importance of forestation cannot be underestimated. We depend on forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. Besides providing habitats for humans, forests also offer watershed protection, prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change.
  • ·         Forest pump out oxygen we need to live and, absorb the carbon dioxide we exhale.
  • ·         Nearly half of all known species live in forests, including 80% of biodiversity on land.
  • ·         Many millions more live along or near forest fringes.
  • ·         By growing a canopy to hog sunlight, trees also create vital oases of shade on the ground.
  • ·         Large forests can influence regional weather patterns and even create their own microclimates.

Group  Members

Jayalath  J. A. C. D.                162704 J
Supun  H. A. W.                     162450 B
Vitharana  M. C. B.               162714 N
Kalpani K. S. Y.                      162420 J
Jayamini  J. S. O. J.                 162452 H

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