Thursday, October 26, 2017

Sustainable development Group 28

                          Sustainable development

Sustainable development mean is what the needs for future generation, we must reduce environmental pollution and we needs some things.  Sustainable is how to achieve this goals personal must be eco-friendly and economically. We can use resources for any works without resources running. Sustainable is very important to future economy. 

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When the huge construction projects are helped several bad impacts for the environment. Because of that modern construction industry is enhanced minimizing the material wastage (reduce), reuse the materials, recyclable material usage, low embodied energy contained materials and biodegradable materials use for improve the Sustainability of the industry.

 Wijayarathna W.M.D.D.

Sustainable development is a process that improve or develop a particular environment using several resources without any harm or pollution to that resources.

Kavinda A.L.I

sustainable development  is nature friendly development affect for better environment and better life circle system.

Gunawardana G.L.A.A

Sustainable development is the set of rule for meeting human development goals while at the same time sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and society depend. Simply sustainable development is focus on economic development, social development and environmental protection for future generations. There are 17 sustainable development goals which are need to follow by the company. No poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being and quality education are some of them. Each goals are interconnected.

D.M. Megodawickrama


Critical Review

“Sustainable Development is the development that implies economic growth together with the protection of environmental quality each reinforcing the other” (United Nations Conference, 1992).

Above statement explain about relationship between Sustainability and National Development. The achievement of sustainability in national development requires a strategic approach, which is both long-term in its perspective and integrated in linking various development processes so that they are as sophisticated as the challenges are complex. Sustainability is not focused one or two industries or sectors of the economy. When world can achieve the sustainable development through the policies (global agreements), systems (national or local), techniques (senatorial) and decisions. A strategic approach at the national level consists,

  • ·          Linking long-term vision to medium-term targets and short-term mission (Systems)

  •      Vertical spatial linkages, so that local, national and global polices, development efforts and     governance are all mutually supportive (Policies)

  • ·     Horizontal linkages across sectors or industries to approach the development (Techniques)   When considering the construction industry, sustainable materials and energy usage is the       techniques use for develop the Sustainability.

  • ·      Genuine partnership between government, business, community and voluntary organizations suggest the plans and complains for better development (Decisions)

 Over the governments, the private sectors and civil organizations across the world have struggled to face the challenges of sustainable development through a wide array of approaches to develop such visions, linkages and partnerships at global, national and local levels.

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