Thursday, October 26, 2017

Group 3

Critical  Review- Group 3

“Weak sustainable development only explains that, only aggregate level of capital matters. Manmade or manufactured, capital is an adequate alternative to natural capital, strong sustainability on the other hand recognized the unique features of natural resources that cannot be replaced by manufactured capital. Most ecologists and environmentalists are proponents of the strong sustainability definitions (Stoddart, 2011).”

When considering sustainability of capital there are several types of capital such as social, natural and manmade. Weak sustainable development is considering only the aggregate capital thus the areas or people who apply weak sustainable development just think about the aggregate of the capital and not think about whether they are natural or artificial. Strong sustainable development then thinks about the importance of natural resources because once they used they cannot be replaced. Ecologists and environmentalists more concern about sustainable development because the future generations also have to use the natural resources available for their benefits sustainably. In strong sustainable development do not mention that it covers aggregate capital but it can be easy to understand that it covers the aggregate capital because it mainly thinks about minimum usage of natural capital. Stoddart monitored views of ecologists and environmentalist on sustainable development and prepare his own view by arranging it according to it.

“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (United Nations General Assembly, 1987, p.43).”

Sustainable development will meet the needs of present with use of minimum resources to cover the needs and wants without limiting the resources available in future for future generations. This definition will cover economic development and environmental stability. According to this view it aims to maintain economic advancement and progress while protecting the long-term value of the environment.

“The key principle of sustainable development underlying all other is the integration of environmental, social and economic concerns in to all aspects of decision making (Dernbach, 2003).”  

Main principle of sustainable development is not what we see, but it is deeper than that. The key principle of sustainable development is the integration of environmental, social and economic concerns is used in to all the decisions that the society will make with concerning about the needs and wants and constraints. This is a deeply fixed concept that make sustainability is distinguish than other forms of policy. 

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