Personal view
- · Sustainable is reuse and environmental friendly process of using materials and other every things. Sustainable development is the way of developing the uses of resources and introduce new resources that are environment friendly. If there is sustainable development the environment pollution will be less.(Bandara K.M.R.C. 162724U)
- · Sustainable development is a development that fill the needs of present generation without compromising the ability of future generation to fill there own needs when their time.(Wijayathilaka J.T.I. 162685A)
- · Sustainable building has few charactaristics
- Eco-friendly
- Recyclable
- Bio degradeble
- Low embodied energy
- Low material wastage
Eco friendly means that building should
friendly for the nature.
And the materials should recyclable.used
materials can be degradable means material should decay automatically
with time.and low embodied energy and low material wastage also sustainable
development points.use low amount of material and get high if any
building follow above things,we called it as sustainable development(Pathmasiri
s.k.u.h. 162661X)
- · Sustainability is environmental friendly, more cheaper, more durable, more economical and prosperity. It can be apply for any equipment or construction. Therefore sustainability development is trying to create more environmental friendly and prosperous thing.(Fernando M.H.V. 162621C)
- · Sustainable development is the process of achieving human development targets in an environmental friendly and economical manner in order to provide natural resources and services for the use of economy and society.( Kavinda H.L.G.A 162641L)
Literature review
development involves devising a social and economic system which ensures that
these goals are sustained, i.e. that real income rise, that educational
standards increase, that the health of the nation improves, that the general quality
of life is advanced” (Pearce, Makandia and Barbier, 1989)
“In principal, such
an optimal policy would seek to maintain an acceptable rate of growth in
pre-capita real incomes without depleting the national capital asset stock or
the natural environmental asset stock.”(Elliott, 1962)
development means securing a growth path that provides for the needs of the present
generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs.” (Sampson, 2005)
Critical review
According to the
above definitions, sustainable development is described as a development of
social and economic system in educational, economical, health of nation improves
in environmental friendly and economical way, and concentrating on saving the
resources for the future generation by promoting reuse and recycling of materials.
Sustainable development is a important topic which should be considered much today. Because it helps for the existence of world and nowadays, usage of sustainability is low.
International and national policies also can be used to development of sustainable. Specially, when developing a country, different types of industries are increased and it affect negatively for the sustainability and in that case, those policies are very needed.
Sustainable development is a important topic which should be considered much today. Because it helps for the existence of world and nowadays, usage of sustainability is low.
International and national policies also can be used to development of sustainable. Specially, when developing a country, different types of industries are increased and it affect negatively for the sustainability and in that case, those policies are very needed.
Elliott, J. (1962). An intorduction
to sustainable development. Milton park, Abingdom: Routledge.
Sampson, G. (2005). The WTO and
Sustainable Development. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
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