Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Energy efficient solutions in modern buildings 

Nowadays, all over the world is paying more attention to the problem of resource conservation on all buildings and its efficient use. Saving energy is one of the most actual topics for today. Because modern buildings and facilities consuming more and more energy. 

If at all beginning of the construction of energy efficient building, until the early 1990s, the main interest is the study of measure for energy saving, then in the mid of 1990s, priority is given to energy efficient solutions that simultaneously contribute to the quality of the micro climate . In the construction of large number of buildings which have been designed and constructed based on different concept of energy efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. Some of them are as follows; 

 Energy efficient buildings and structures 
 Buildings and structures with low power consumption 
 Buildings and structures with ultra-low power 
 Buildings and structures with zero energy use 
 Environmentally neutral buildings 

Consider about buildings in Sri Lanka, all of the buildings account for almost half of the country’s total energy consumption. Therefore there should be a proper plan for reconstruction or rehabilitation existing buildings. Furthermore energy efficient buildings are safe bet and create independency from the fluctuation in energy cost.  
Currently the construction of buildings continued to follow out dated rules and practices in the construction industry, where energy efficiency considerations have not taken yet into account in the practices of design and construction which leads to excessive consumption of energy and makes a great contribution to the greenhouse gas emission. In order to solve this demographic and social problem it is very important to construct new buildings or reconstruction of existing buildings which are not energy efficient.  Through these programmes have targets at improving the energy efficiency of buildings which include new opportunities for energy efficient buildings through design and technology. Energy efficiency is a part of a sustainable development. 
Examples for energy efficient solutions in modern buildings in the different countries in the world as follows; 

 One angle square, Manchester, United Kingdom 
In this building a heat recovery system helps increase energy efficiency, as does one angle squares rainwater and grey water recycling system. Low energy LED light and IT setups and a combined heat and power plant inside provide practical, cost saving benefits. 

 David and Lucile Packard foundation Headquarters, Los Altos, California 
This is the largest Net-Zero certified building in the world. This building is made up of 95 percent recycled materials from deconstructed buildings.  

 One Embankment Place, London, United Kingdom 
This building has largest tri-generation systems in the world, which allowed it to reduce its carbon emission by an impressive 51 percent. 

Group Members :

1. Madusanka S.G.A - 162425E
2. Lankapriya H.J. - 162424B
3. Jayakody K.H.S.K-162415.A
4. Kuruppu K.A.U.I - 162700T
5. Nisha J. - 162710A

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