Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Waste Management Strategies

What is waste management? There is more to waste management than collectingrubbish and dumping it at landfill. Although this is a vital step in the process, there ismore to it than that! This article will address the steps involved in the cycle of wastemanagement and will hopefully give a greater understanding to the topic.Waste Management flows in a cycle: Monitoring, Collection, Transportation,Processing, Disposal / Recycle. Through these steps a company can effectively andresponsibly manage waste output and their positive effect they have on theenvironment.

Monitoring is identifying the waste management needs, identifying recyclingopportunities and ways to minimize waste output, and reviewing how wasteminimization is progressing. Through keeping records of the different waste streams,a customer can see the results of their efforts in becoming more environmentallyfriendly, and a more efficient business.

Collection involves the logistical organization to guarantee that bin containers willnot overfill and waste sit time does not become too long. The correct bin container size and service frequency is a must to prevent overspill or excessive smell. Thecorrect bins for different wastes must beavailable with sticker and bin colour identification. Locks, chains, lids andbars prevent public access and non-trained personnel putting rubbish in theincorrect bins.Cooperation between the wastecompany and customer is vital. Bins must be accessible to the truck driver at the agreed times. Access to work premisesoutside work hours will cause an issue if unaddressed. Bin wheels can allowcustomers to move bins from convenient areas to serviceable locations.

Transportation is the organizing of waste transport vehicles with the authorizationand ability to transport the specified wastes from a customer’s work residence tolandfill or processing plant. A waste must be transported by the vehicle designed for it. For example, general waste requires a vehicle with thicker compacter walls, to thatof a cardboard and paper waste transporting vehicle. Therefore, a customer mayrequire a series of vehicles to meet their waste management needs.Vehicles, drivers, and companies need licenses and approval in certain CouncilAreas to transport waste. EPA standards need to be upheld as well as General PublicSafety. Safety standards are vital to the transportation of clinical and hazardouswastes. Drivers must undergo training for emergency circumstances that may arise.
Processing involves the separation of recyclables for treatment, and then after treatment are packaged as raw materials. These raw materials are sent to factoriesfor production. Non-recyclable wastes by-pass this step and are delivered straight tolandfill. Liquid and hazardous wastes are delivered to treatment plants to becomeless hazardous to the public and environment.
Disposal / Recycling is the disposal of non recyclables into landfill.Landfill sites must be approved by legal authorities. Legal authoritiesguarantee that specific wastes are buried at the correct depth to avoidhazardous chemicals entering the soil, water tables, water systems,air, and pipe systems.In this step the raw materials made from recyclables are produced and sold asproducts on the market. Companies can purchase such products to further sustainthe environment and natural resources.In conclusion, waste management is a science that addresses the logistics,environmental impact, social responsibility, and cost of an organization’s wastedisposal. It is a detailed process that involves human resources, vehicles,government bodies, and natural resources.Learn more about waste management by contacting your localWanless EnviroServicesRepresentative.

       Group members

Eranga B.A.I.                   162618A
Kajanthini S.                    162727G
Kaushalya K.W.A.H.H.   162639M
Pathirathna P.H.G.H.K.   162660T
Sinthujan S.                     162728K

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