Thursday, November 23, 2017

Group No 33- Isuru Upekshana

Land Conservation in University of Moratuwa

What Is Land Conservation

Land conservation incorporates every one of the approaches, systems and exercises to economically deal with the common asset of land, to ensure water, soil and improvements , and to meet the ebb and flow and future human.. request. Populace, family size, and development and abundance all influence how much land is utilized.

Strategies of land conservation 
1.    Preservation
2.    Restriction
3.    Remediation
4.    Mitigation

Preservation of the environment means “Land and their natural resources should not be consumed by humans & should instead be maintained in their pristine form “.
Preservation unequivocally trust that human can approach the land yet should use for its natural beauty and inspiration.
Restriction is the process of returning eco systems communities to their original natural conditions.
This often includes introducing native animals, planting, water ways to their natural path &removing human infrastructures.
Remediation is the process of cleaning the contaminated area using relatively mild or nondestructive methods. Main target is clean and restore the area while using it.
The process of replacing a degraded site with a healthy site that is of equal ecological value in a different location. Main target is reducing the unwanted usage of land.

Land Conservation in University of Moratuwa        

Use of interlock blocks as land conservation to prevent soil erosion of the roads. Use of rubble as a retaining wall.

Use of bricks as a retaining wall

                                   Re growing of grass layer after construction based on 
                                           green concept to reduce soil erosion        



                                                   Layer of grass is added and this area isn’t normally

brazed except cleaning purposes.

Angled tar road is covered the area to reduce soil erosion during rainy time. Right side area should be conserved immediately.


A bank of Bolgoda river is sided to the University of Moratuwa.

 This part is conserved by rubble construction.

Group Members
Gajanayaka G.M.T.N.                                         162622F
Liyanaarachchi L.A.I.U.                                     162644A
Manusha L.G.L.                                                   162688K
Samaraweera K.K.S.                                           162699U

Shashini.T.W.K.N.                                               162729N

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